
A to Z of K 2004年12月19日 16 57

I was inspired by a mag. that i used to see and so i have the following description of myself. It think it's really a funny thing to let other people or even yourself to know more about yourself by the following way...it's not a big deal at all...but is rather interesting.

All what i wrote were on the bus...where always inspires me to have different thinking and ideas...
A to Z of K

A lton Tower 英國其中一個theme park,一個好好玩,留了給我與好朋友們的美好回憶is one of the theme parks in UK, it’s really a fun place and leave me a lot of sweet memories with my dearest friends.
B lack 最愛最愛的顏色my favourite colour

C hristian Dior 自從歐遊後,買了兩件她的accessory,因此就愛上了!!另外,我是基督徒i love this brand since I brought 2 pieces of accessory during my Europe tour! And I am a Christian, too.

D rummer 係呀,我識打鼓呀,雖然唔係叻 yeah…I know playing drum even I am not good at.

E ditor 終有一天會做到! I will be!!!

F ashion 無左時裝,我會變得更平凡if no fashion, my life will be much more monotone.

G X32 我好喜歡的手機,已經在身I love my mobile ― GX 32

H onger Konger 我係香港人,記住係香港人!I am a Honger Konger, is a Honger Konger!

I nspiration 無論寫作,還是設計都好需要佢,我成日都想有呀!!No matter is writing or design, it’s really important, I want to be always inspired!!

J ournalist 由低做起……start from the ground……

K ennis 未係我囉~ it’s ME~

L ONDON 英國住的時候,靜得耐一定要去倫敦,一個令你愛上的地方when living in UK for long period of quite time, u must go to London , where a place addict u.

M agazine 瘋狂地買+儲,唔可以無crazy to buy, crazy to collect, impossible to give it up.


P ortsmouth 完成大學課程的地方,有很多好朋友在哪裡,很留戀where I complete my degree course and I’ve got a lot of good friends in there. I always miss there.


S tella Tennant 我好鍾意左好多年的英國model,好型好靚呀!Is an UK model who I follow for years, she’s so smart and beautiful!

T artan 傳統紅色tartan最討好the most classic red tartan pattern is most attractive to me.

U NITED KINGDOM 無得走,無得漏,UK dream never fall!!

V iktor and Rolf 唔知點解,永遠覺得佢地twin哂0既樣好吸引又好鍾意I always think that their ‘twin’ image is very attractive and I love it so much!

Wyman 一個令我又愛又恨又羨慕的時裝界勁人is a great fashion guy who I love, I hate and I admire.


Z ilver 銀器我成身都係啦,你唔知咩?哈哈…Don’t u know that silver accessories are always with me?

I can’t think about what other descriptions are most fit to me, so I left them blank.
If u have any ideas, thanks to telling me.

